Fibonacci Sequence - Synchronization with the Universe

From 19.95 USD *

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5 reasons why you should use this frequency

  • Synchronization with the universe
  • Connection with the earth
  • Expanded states of consciousness
  • Healing possible
  • Mystical experiences possible
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  • SW10181
Synchronize with the universe through the Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci Frequency is based... more

Synchronize with the universe through the Fibonacci sequence

The Fibonacci Frequency is based on the famous Fibonacci Sequence. It was developed so that we can find more to our origin and sychronize with the divine geometry. The Fibonacci sequence underlies the structure of the universe and its set of rules. By listening to this Fibonacci frequency, it is possible to experience expanded states of consciousness in meditation and connect with the universe.

The Fibonacci sequence contains many abilities, not all of which have been explored to date. These show that everything in this universe is subject to an order that is connected to the Fibonacci sequence. Listening to these frequencies can help us to get in touch with this order more consciously and to experience ourselves as part of it. Musically, the frequency includes the four elements so we can experience the deep connection with the earth. Indigenous music can open new horizons and guide you through a wonderful experience.

Are you ready to explore a new level?

What is the Fibonacci sequence?

The Fibonacci sequence (also called Fibonacci sequence) is a series of numbers in which the sum of two consecutive numbers gives the number immediately following. It begins with the numbers (0) 1 and 1 and is continued with the explained calculation method. From this number sequence several laws of nature can be calculated.

The Fibonacci sequence was named after Leonardo Fibonacci, who recognized this number sequence in the 12th century on the basis of the growth of a rabbit population. However, this sequence of numbers was already known in ancient times and shows that there is a certain growth pattern in nature, which is based on exactly these numbers.

Each number is the sum of its 2 predecessors.
1+1= 2
1+2= 3
2+3= 5

The Fibonacci sequence:

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610, 987


Properties and capabilities of the Fibonacci sequence:

The special thing about Fibonacci numbers is that there are many unexplored features and regularities that arise from them.

Here are some examples of explored properties:


- If you divide two neighboring Fibonacci numbers, the resulting value is approximately the value of the golden section 1.618033... The higher the Fibonacci numbers become, the closer and more exact the value of the golden section is reached.

- If you add the squares of adjacent Fibonacci numbers, you always get another Fibonacci number as a result.

- If you add ten Fibonacci numbers, regardless of their order, you always get 11 times the 7th added Fibonacci number of your arbitrary selection.

- Each Fibonacci number is always an integer divisor of another Fibonacci number that is a multiple of its index (place in the Fibonacci sequence).

Example: Every third Fibonacci number is divisible by 2 (its value). Every fourth Fibonacci number by 3, every fifth by 5, every sixth by 8, every seventh by 13, and so on.


Tobias 23 Apr 2022


Eine wundervolle Reise, die es in sich hat.

Bewertungsübersicht anzeigen
Version: v. 1.0 Last update: 22.04.2022 (up to date) Frequency Technology: MDR (brand new... mehr

Version: v. 1.0
Last update: 22.04.2022 (up to date)
Frequency Technology: MDR (brand new technology)
Update Change:
- Original track  

Characteristics "Fibonacci Sequence - Synchronization with the Universe"
Audiolänge : 30 Min.
Wirkung: Aktivierung & Öffnung der Chakren, Aktivierung der inneren göttlichen Führung, Aktivierung der Kundalini-Energie, Anregung der körpereigenen Produktion von DMT, Beruhigung von Körper und Geist, erhöhte Kreativität, ermöglicht Fernwahrnehmung, erweiterte Bewusstseinszustände, erzeugt Energie, kann Astralreisen auslösen, kann Erleuchtungszustände herbeiführen, kann körpereigenes DMT ausschütten, kann Luzide Träume auslösen, kann mystische Erfahrungen einleiten, kann mystische Träume herbeiführen, kann Visionen herbeiführen, Mystische Erfahrungen, Reinigung der Aura, sehr tiefe Entpannung, sehr tiefer meditativer Zustand, starke Zirbeldrüsen Aktivierung, Unterstützung bei Astralreisen
Kopfhörer erforderlich: optional
Suggestionen: ja
Sprache: Deutsch
Musikstyle: Entspannungsmusik, Gewitter-Ambiente, Heilungs-Musik, Instrumental, Natur-Ambiente, Vogelgezwitscher
Frequenz-Protokoll: Alpha-Protokoll, Beta-Protokoll, Delta-Protokoll, Epsilon-Protokoll, Gamma-Protokoll, Hochfrequenzbereich, Theta-Protokoll
Frequenzart: Isochrone Beats
Audiostrobe: ja
Spectrostrobe: ja
Lizenzbestimmungen: Darf nur für private Zwecke genutzt werden.
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23 Apr 2022


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