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Crystal Cave
Crystal Cave - Experience deep healing in the crystal cave with 432 Hz
Experience deep healing in the crystal cave with 432 Hz Crystal Cave takes you into a crystal cave and accompanies you through 7 musical phases. The first phase starts in front of the cave. You quietly hear the birds and from a distance the cave. Slowly, music begins to play, drawing you into the cave with curiosity. You enter the cave, the music becomes more intense. A gong...
From 19.95 USD *
Melody of the Monks - Experience the sound of the monks
Melody of the Monks - Experience the sound of the monks
Experience a journey to Tibet and let the sound of the monks lead you into a trance Melody of the Monks takes you to Tibet. The journey begins on a mountain at night. You will join a ceremony of monks. They start chanting and at the same time you will hear singing bowls, gongs and other sounds in the 8D room. These initiate dissociation and your thoughts disappear. Then...
From 19.95 USD *
Sound of the River - Komm in den Fluss des Lebens
Sound of the River - Come into the River of Life
Come into the flow of life with 8 Hz + gamma waves We all know it. There are days when you get up and just feel like you've been run down. Grounding would be appropriate here. To fix this problem, you can work with Sound of the River. This adventure takes you through the forest from morning till night. You will hear the natural sounds of the forest and the stream flowing. In...
From 14.95 USD *
Mindfulness, meditation, erwachtes Bewusstsein
Mindfulness - Awakened Consciousness
Integrate awakened consciousness into everyday life with Mindfulness Mindfulness is perfect if you want to get away from your thoughts and into deep meditation. It is optimal for beginners as well as for advanced practitioners. You will experience an adventure through 3 phases. The first 10 minutes you will be dissociated with different sounds in 3D space, so you can...
From 19.95 USD *
Adventure in the Jungle - Expedition im Dschungel with 432 Hz
Adventure in the Jungle - Expedition im Dschungel with 432 Hz
Experience an expedition in the jungle with 432 Hz and Epsilon Maybe you know the problem with the inner voice - the thoughts you can't stop. Who does not long to stop the thoughts? Experience an adventure that takes you to the realm of the jungle, where you will go through 4 phases. In the beginning you start your expedition through the jungle, then in phase 2 it becomes...
From 14.95 USD *
Vulcano, Volcano, Frequenz, Meditation, 528 Hz, Binaurale Beats, 8D Audio, 3D Audio,
Volcano - Meditate at the volcano with 528 Hz
Meditate on the volcano and feel the frequency of love at 528 Hz Connect with the powerful energy of the volcano and immerse your consciousness in deep love. In this frequency it becomes fiery, because it is accompanied by the natural sounds of a real, erupting volcano. The lava symbolizes the prodling power of love that can bring about deep transformations. The nature...
From 14.95 USD *
Infinity Meditation - Löse dich vom Verstand
Fibonacci Sequence - Synchronization with the Universe
Synchronize with the universe through the Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci Frequency is based on the famous Fibonacci Sequence. It was developed so that we can find more to our origin and sychronize with the divine geometry. The Fibonacci sequence underlies the structure of the universe and its set of rules. By listening to this Fibonacci frequency, it is possible to...
From 19.95 USD *
Fibonacci Sequence
Fibonacci Sequence - Synchronization with the Universe
Synchronize with the universe through the Fibonacci sequence The Fibonacci Frequency is based on the famous Fibonacci Sequence. It was developed so that we can find more to our origin and sychronize with the divine geometry. The Fibonacci sequence underlies the structure of the universe and its set of rules. By listening to this Fibonacci frequency, it is possible to...
From 19.95 USD *
Rückführung in frühere Leben
Breakthrough - Rückführung in frühere Leben - Gate 16
Erlebe eine Rückführung in deine früheren Leben mit Hypnose! In diesem Gate wirst du zum Ausgangspunkt deiner physischen Inkarnation geführt. Dieser Zustand ist die Brücke zum Jenseits und bietet dir die Möglichkeit, Einblicke in frühere Leben zu nehmen. Erfahre mehr über deine Seele, über deine Lebensaufgaben und über Zusammenhänge sowie Seelenfreundschaften und...
From 19.95 USD *
astralreisen indizieren
Velo consciousness - Astralreisen im Wachzustand einleiten - Gate 15
Leite mit der Velo-Technik Astralreisen im Wachzustand ein! Velo conciousness ist eine geführte Anleitung zum Üben der Velo-Technik, die dir den bewussten Wechsel in den Astralkörper durch Energieaufbau des Energiekörpers schnell ermöglicht. Diese Technik ist die wirksamste Technik welche nachhaltig beim Erlernen von Astralreisen hilft. Das IAC World (The international...
From 19.95 USD *
aufgestiegene meister rufen
Temple of the monks - Aufgestiegene Meister rufen - Gate 20
Rufe Aufgestiegene Meister und erhalte Hilfe und Führung auf deinem Weg! Temple of the monks führt dich zu einem fernen Ort, welcher in den höheren Ebenen sehr bekannt ist und dein persönliches wie spirituelles Wachstum dauerhaft beschleunigt. Der Tempel befindet sich auf einem fremden Planeten, welcher eine direkte Verbindung zu aufgestiegenen Meistern schafft. Heilung,...
From 19.95 USD *
Spirit Guide Contact - Geistführer Kontakt herstellen - Gate 17
Spirit Guide Contact - Geistführer Kontakt herstellen - Gate 17
Rufe deinen Geistführer und lass ihn dir mit Rat und Tat zur Seite stehen! In diesem Gate wirst du mittels einer starken Hypnose mit deinem Geistführer verbunden. Durch das regelmäßige Üben des Gates wird es dir möglich sein Impulse, Zeichen oder Visionen von deinem Geistführer zu bekommen. Der Kontakt zu deinem Geistführer kann dir auf deinem Weg bei verschiedensten...
From 19.95 USD *
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