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Meditation für Anfänger
Light Alpha Meditation Frequency - Alpha Meditation For Beginners
Alpha Meditation for Beginners with Binaural Beats You're a meditation beginner? Do you have problems meditating? Do you have problems switching off your thoughts? That's the reason why we create this frequency. It leads you from 13 Hz to 8 Hz. It is accompanied by a new 3D technology that creates dissociative music. This technique automatically turns off your thoughts. If...
From 14.95 USD *
Night Meditation - Nacht Meditation - Erlebe Wunder in der Nacht
Night Meditation - Expand Your Consciousness In The Night
Expand Your Consciousness to a Higher Level While Sleeping 10 years of preparatory work were necessary to create this guided meditation. Listen to this frequency immediately before going to bed. The binaural beats in the background lead you to sleep during the night meditation and can initiate intense dreams, lucid dreams or astral projections. The guided meditation is...
From 19.95 USD *
Morning meditation - Expand Your Consciousness Daily
Morning meditation - Expand Your Consciousness Daily
Expand Your Consciousness to a Higher Level Every Day! It took 10 years of preparatory work for this guided meditation to unfold its maximum potential. Now you can get this great meditation and prayer. The binaural beats will give you concentration, focus, willpower and an energy boost for the day. The guided meditation is divided into 18 steps. First, you will do a...
From 19.95 USD *
Morning & Night Meditation - Erhöhe deine Frequenz und erlebe Wunder am Tag und in der Nacht - MDR Extended Version
Morning and Night meditation - Bundle Edition
Reach a High Level of Consciousness with this Daily Meditation It took 10 years of preparatory work for this guided meditation to unfold its maximum potential. Now you can get this great meditation and prayer. You should listen to this frequency right before going to bed. The binaural beats in the background guide you gently to sleep during the night meditation and can cause...
From 33.88 USD * 39.90 USD *
Infinity Mind - In the heart of infinity
Infinity Mind - In the heart of infinity
From Deep Mind to Infinity Mind: the journey is just the beginning Infinity Mind is the masterpiece that completes the "Deep Mind" series. While the first three parts each trained specific areas of the brain for mystical experiences, "Infinity Mind" combines these components into a holistic sound journey. The frequency addresses all three relevant areas of the brain...
From 19.95 USD *
Deep Mind Vol. 3 - Beyond Reality
Deep Mind Vol. 3 - Beyond Reality
The final phase: pierce the veil, free your mind and access unknown spheres. Discover the transformative power of Deep Mind Volume 3, a frequency journey that stimulates the final and crucial area of your brain. This unique collection of eleven interwoven music tracks will take you through a labyrinth of mystical experiences, astral travel and lucid dreams in 45 minutes. A...
From 19.95 USD *
Deep Mind Vol. 2 - Beyond the infinite
Deep Mind Vol. 2 - Beyond the infinite
The journey continues: experience freedom beyond matter After the great success of "Deep Mind Vol. 1", this new sound tapestry takes you deeper into unknown realms of your mind. Specifically targeting another critical brain area, this volume potentiates the intensity of your mystical experiences, including soul travel, astral travel and lucid dreaming. The experience is...
From 19.95 USD *
Deep Mind Vol. 1 - Beyond thought
Deep Mind Vol. 1 - Beyond thought
Deep Mind Vol. 1 - Experience Consciousness Beyond ThoughtExplore the unknown within you. Discover the journey of your life - literally! With Deep Mind Vol. 1, together we open the door to an adventure that directs your consciousness into a state of transcendence. No more black behind the eyes while meditating, instead a firework of visions, lucid dreams, astral travel and...
From 19.95 USD *
Antar-Mouna-Meditation - Eine Reise in die Stille
Antar-Mouna-Meditation - Eine Reise in die Stille
Erlebe die Magie der Stille Tauche ein in die Welt der inneren Stille mit der Antar-Mouna-Meditation. In dieser 30-minütigen Session lade ich dich ein, den Lärm des Alltags hinter dir zu lassen und dich auf eine Reise in dein Innerstes zu begeben. Antar Mouna, auch bekannt als "innere Stille", ist eine kraftvolle Technik, die darauf abzielt, dein Bewusstsein zu erweitern und...
From 19.95 USD *
Mother & Father Meditation - Befreie dich vom morphischen Feld deiner Eltern
Mother & Father Meditation - Befreie dich vom morphischen Feld deiner Eltern
Löse dich von den Fesseln der Vergangenheit Man sagt, die Eltern müssen die Kinder nicht erziehen, sie spiegeln die Eltern sowieso. Und genau darin liegt das Problem. Oft haben wir destruktive Verhaltensweisen, Denkmuster, Beziehungs- und Geldblockaden von den Eltern übernommen. Dies hintert uns an einem selbstbestimmten Leben und Wohlstand. In dieser Quanten-Meditation...
From 19.95 USD *
Self-Control - Meistere deine Emotionen
Self-Control - Meistere deine Emotionen
Befreie dich von negativen emotionalen Zuständen Jeder von uns steckt hin und wieder in negativen emotionalen Bewusstseinszuständen. Die wenigsten beherrschen jedoch eine emotionale Selbstregulation. In Part 1 dieser Meditation lernst du, dich von leichten emotionalen Zuständen zu befreien und in Part 2 von intensiven emotionalen Zuständen. Erst wenn du dich von den...
From 19.95 USD *
<iframe width="100%" height="166" scrolling="no" frameborder="no" allow="autoplay" src="https://w.soundcloud.com/player/?url=https%3A//api.soundcloud.com/tracks/1441540375&color=%23ff5500&auto_play=false&hide_related=false&show_comments=true&show_user=tru
Fireplace - relaxation by the fire with rain
Experience a deep relaxation with 8 Hz by the fireplace You come home after a hard day's work. You light the fireplace and lie down on the sofa, enjoying the warmth of the fireplace. Suddenly it starts to thunder - then to rain lightly. A storm is coming up. You hear the raindrops on the window and sink into a deep relaxation. At the same time, 8 Hz binaural beats are...
From 14.95 USD *
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