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The Void - Echo of Infinity
The Void - Echo of Infinity
Awaken your inner infinity "The Void" takes you into a world where music and consciousness merge. From the first notes, which sound dissociative and diverse in a 3D sound space, this special frequency challenges your brain to go beyond the everyday noise and seek a state of deep relaxation. As you lose yourself in this musical kaleidoscope, the initial overwhelm gives way to...
From 19.95 USD *
Clear Your Mind - Dissociative sound journey
Clear Your Mind - Dissociative sound journey
The key to mindfulness and silence of thought Discover our 'Clear Your Mind - Dissociative Sound Journey' - an innovative frequency therapy specifically designed for deeper mindfulness and thought stillness. This unique sound journey is divided into three phases and combines dissociative sounds with meditative music to promote a state of relaxation and concentration. Ideal...
From 19.95 USD *
Echo of Angels - Path to spiritual clarity
Echo of Angels - Path to spiritual clarity
Unlock the mysteries of your being through the mystical sounds of the angelic realms Discover 'Echo of Angels - Path to Spiritual Clarity', a frequency inspired by the angelic number 1111 that takes you on a transformative journey through five phases of spiritual awakening. Beginning with an attunement phase that guides you into a state of calm and mindfulness, you will then...
From 19.95 USD *
Infinity Mind - In the heart of infinity
Infinity Mind - In the heart of infinity
From Deep Mind to Infinity Mind: the journey is just the beginning Infinity Mind is the masterpiece that completes the "Deep Mind" series. While the first three parts each trained specific areas of the brain for mystical experiences, "Infinity Mind" combines these components into a holistic sound journey. The frequency addresses all three relevant areas of the brain...
From 19.95 USD *
Deep Mind Vol. 3 - Beyond Reality
Deep Mind Vol. 3 - Beyond Reality
The final phase: pierce the veil, free your mind and access unknown spheres. Discover the transformative power of Deep Mind Volume 3, a frequency journey that stimulates the final and crucial area of your brain. This unique collection of eleven interwoven music tracks will take you through a labyrinth of mystical experiences, astral travel and lucid dreams in 45 minutes. A...
From 19.95 USD *
Deep Mind Vol. 2 - Beyond the infinite
Deep Mind Vol. 2 - Beyond the infinite
The journey continues: experience freedom beyond matter After the great success of "Deep Mind Vol. 1", this new sound tapestry takes you deeper into unknown realms of your mind. Specifically targeting another critical brain area, this volume potentiates the intensity of your mystical experiences, including soul travel, astral travel and lucid dreaming. The experience is...
From 19.95 USD *
Deep Mind Vol. 1 - Beyond thought
Deep Mind Vol. 1 - Beyond thought
Deep Mind Vol. 1 - Experience Consciousness Beyond ThoughtExplore the unknown within you. Discover the journey of your life - literally! With Deep Mind Vol. 1, together we open the door to an adventure that directs your consciousness into a state of transcendence. No more black behind the eyes while meditating, instead a firework of visions, lucid dreams, astral travel and...
From 19.95 USD *
Mystica - A sound journey beyond reality
Mystica - A sound journey beyond reality
Your time travel into the future of music: Mystica Welcome to the future of music and relaxation. With Mystica - A sound journey beyond reality, you will experience a unique symphony of sounds that will take you to unimagined dimensions. In four phases, the masterful 3D chants of women and the deeply relaxing melody will take you to a world that has never been heard before....
From 19.95 USD *
Quantum Success - Erfolg im Quantenfeld - Entfessle dein wahres Potential
Quantum Success - Erfolg im Quantenfeld - Entfessle dein wahres Potential
Aktiviere den Erfolg in dir durch das Quantenfeld Stell dir vor, du könntest dein Leben mit einem einfachen 'Klick' auf den nächsten Level heben. Klingt unmöglich? Mit 'Quantum Success' ist nichts unmöglich. Mit dieser bahnbrechenden Frequenz, die Quanten-Suggestion und geführte Quanten-Meditation miteinander verbindet, trittst du in eine Welt des unendlichen Potentials ein....
From 14.95 USD *
Beyond Illusion - Break Through the Illusion
Beyond Illusion - Break Through the Illusion
Transcendental Soundscapes: An 8D Consciousness Journey You're about to embark on an incredible auditory journey. This 60-minute frequency, masterfully crafted with advanced 8D audio technology and innovative frequency methods, is specifically designed to allow you a profound expansion of consciousness. With gentle synthesizer sounds, the first third of this frequency takes...
From 19.95 USD *
Quantum Confidence - Der Quantensprung deines Selbstbewusstseins
Quantum Confidence - Der Quantensprung deines Selbstbewusstseins
Erlebe wie du dein Selbstbewusstsein auf ein neues Level hebst Tauche ein in die Welt der Quanten-Confidence-Meditation und entdecke den Schlüssel zu gesteigertem Selbstbewusstsein und innerer Stärke. Diese speziell entwickelte Quanten-Meditation führt dich durch fünf wichtige Phasen, die dazu dienen, dein Selbstbewusstsein auf eine ganz neue Ebene zu heben. Die Reise...
From 14.95 USD *
Antar-Mouna-Meditation - Eine Reise in die Stille
Antar-Mouna-Meditation - Eine Reise in die Stille
Erlebe die Magie der Stille Tauche ein in die Welt der inneren Stille mit der Antar-Mouna-Meditation. In dieser 30-minütigen Session lade ich dich ein, den Lärm des Alltags hinter dir zu lassen und dich auf eine Reise in dein Innerstes zu begeben. Antar Mouna, auch bekannt als "innere Stille", ist eine kraftvolle Technik, die darauf abzielt, dein Bewusstsein zu erweitern und...
From 19.95 USD *
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